Monday, August 31, 2009

20 Ways to Tell Your Child, 'I Love You'
Sometimes in the rush of everyday life, we forget to do the things that matter most in the lives of our children. Here are several great, but simple ways to tell your child how much he or she means to you.

Snuggle in bed together as you tell a good-night story.
The next time you take
a child to an athletic practice, stay and watch from a distance.
Have a family worship time after a meal by singing, praying and reading Scripture together.
Write a crazy poem by taking turns writing the next line (make sure it rhymes!).
At the beach or in a park sandbox, play tic-tac-toe in the sand.
Plant trees in your yard in honor of your kids (one for each child).
On a hot day, hook up a water hose and sprinkler in the back yard and run through the water together.
Roast marshmallows over the barbecue.
Show your child where you’ve kept for a long time a special card or picture that he or she gave you.
Honor your child with a “just because” party (“just because I love you”) and invite his or her friends.
Make a photo gallery somewhere in your home, and display your child’s school pictures from every year.
Play hide-and-seek with your children (don’t find them too quickly).
Talk with your child about what you’re learning personally about Jesus Christ.
Take advantage of the long days in summer and go on an evening walk together.
Have lunch together in the school cafeteria before summer vacation.
When your child talks to you, put down what you’re doing and look into his or her eyes. Maintain an encouraging expression and make your response positive.
At your next opportunity, give your child a hug. If your child is young, pick your child up and hold him or her.
When your child says, “Watch me!”—watch. Clap and cheer, “Great job.”
Make a special effort to get a good view of your city’s Fourth of July fireworks display or upcoming parade.
Start praying now for the spouses your children will have someday. Pray that their marriages will be strong and Christ-centered.

This material is adapted from Faith Training by Joe White, president of Kanakuk-Kanakomo Kamps, and is courtesy of Young Adult Ministries (

How do you tell your child, "I love you"?

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