I went to a movie & as I arrived to the movie theater just before 8PM, I saw a long stream of females lined up along the walls of the theaters... Twilight fans, all waiting for the midnight showing of Twilight's newest film, Eclipse.
On the way to the theater (I was going to see The A-Team), we walked passed literally hundreds of these fans sitting in roped off areas, in eager anticipation of the film over four hours away. Not a male in sight! Mostly teenagers, some tweens, and about one in 5 seemed to be moms. Interesting group. I've never seen more Twilight t-shirts, tattoos, posters, and yes, even shrines! (Several groups had commandeered a bench and set up a shrine-of-sorts to Patrick and Taylor. Wow. Even Star Wars fans were saying, "These people are so weird!")
Sp I thought I would share a few thoughts on this movie...
One of the biggest problem I have with the movie (besides the whole vampire thing) continues to be the characters and the choices they make. Edward is so “in love� (aka obsessed) with Bella that he seems unable to make any rational decision outside of their relationship. Likewise, Jacob, who is still in love with Bella, refuses to accept the reality that she will never feel that same way towards him even though she has told him many times. Then there is Bella. She is willing to sacrifice everything, including her family, her dreams and even her soul, to be with Edward (i.e. become a vampire). It’s the same old thing that we saw in the second film, New Moon.
Realistically nothing has changed. The characters are far from role models. As parents and youth leaders we need to be equipped and ready to discuss these issues with our students.
Let's keep dialoguing with our kids about these issues we see popping up in youth culture.
I have heard it said that it is just a love story so what is the problem with that? Well, it is much more than a "love story" It is about blood sucking, immoral, socially disturbed vampires that are becoming role models for our teens! LOL
You draw your own conclusions from there.
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