Tuesday, October 27, 2009

APOPKA GATOR FANS!!!! Don't mss the Florida Gators Chaplain Lindsay Seals tonight at Victory Church and THRIVE YOUTH 7:00 PM 509 S. Park Av

Monday, October 26, 2009

Check out this tutorial if you want to create and share a podcast on itunes!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Miley in 'Sex and the City: The Movie' Sequel

Miley in 'Sex and the City: The Movie' Sequel

I'm DONE sharing my two cents about Miley- I'll just report the facts. Last time I defended her, she showed up the next day at the Teen Choice Awards... uh... well... just click here if you don't know.

And now, Miley seems to have made another "interesting" decision, the decision to cameo in the sequel to Sex in the City: The Movie (The MPAA gave the first movie an 'R' rating "for strong sexual content, graphic nudity and language")

Let me back up. Back in 2008 Miley shared with her fans (dare I remind you- girls aged between 6 and 14) that her favorite TV show is HBO's Sex and the City and she wished that her own Disney kids show could be more like it. (read her exact words here)

Last month, rumors began surfacing that Miley might show up in a cameo in the Sex and the City: The Movie sequel. Now those rumors are confirmed. Miley is going to be in the film as herself, showing up on the red carpet wearing the same dress as Kim Cattrall's character in the show, Samantha.


Nice collar!

Okay, okay. No other comments from me about that.

I just think that youth workers and parents need to keep in mind that this young lady is definitely a role model to our kids, specifically our young girls. As I type this, her "Party in the USA" song has made it to #1 yet again on iTunes. Miley's influence is only growing.

She's in the limelight. The question is, "What are our kids seeing in that light?"
Jonathan from THE SOURCE

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Top Entrepreneurs, Ceo's and business men throughout Florida are meeting at Victory Church Nov 13th and 14th!!

Join some of Central Florida's top Christian entrepreneurs, CEOs, and business leaders of emerging to mid-market companies along with today's top business authors, innovators, visionaries, and experts. Our goal is to engage in conversations with you and your leadership team and tap into the collective Godly wisdom & insight assembled at the third annual Leadership Summit

Monday, October 12, 2009

H1N1 and Your Kids

H1N1 and Your Kids

With kids back in school and flu season around the corner, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on its Web site has steps to help our kids stay healthy, what to watch for and what to do if your child becomes ill.
To keep from spreading germs causing respiratory illnesses, kids should:

Cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when they sneeze or cough, then put the tissue in the trash.
Wash their hands often with soap and warm water for 15 to 20 seconds or, when soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand wipes or sanitizing gel. They should rub their hands until the gel dries.
Not touch their eyes, mouth or nose, as germs can spread when someone touches something contaminated, such as a desk, then touches his eyes, mouth or nose before washing his hands.
Keep their distance from sick people.

2009 H1N1 Flu Virus Symptoms

The symptoms in people include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Symptoms also may include vomiting and diarrhea. People with the flu can have respiratory symptoms but no fever.

If children have a flu-like illness, the CDC recommends they stay home for at least 24 hours after their fever is gone, and avoid others as much as possible.

Emergency Warning Signs

If children experience the following symptoms, the CDC recommends they get urgent medical attention:

Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish or grayish skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Vomiting severely or persistently
Not waking up or not interacting
Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
Returning flu-like symptoms with fever and worse cough

People infected with the seasonal and H1N1 flu virus may be able to infect others from a day before getting sick to five to seven days afterward, or even longer with children.

The CDC Web site (www.cdc.gov/H1N1flu/qa.htm) contains much more information in a Q&A format to educate parents and others on influenza.

Youth minstry From Ground Zero; THE PLAN!!

A plan. Without that you are just hanging out. Without a vision the youth ministry fails! (Hab 2:2) Seek God, get a vision for your group. Set goals, short term, then medium, then long term! Do not be afraid to dream big! God is big so His plans will be too!

Your vision is basically the big picture. It, in a paragraph will say what it would take you a week to explain. I have seen some said in 3 short sentences and I have seen some that you could have made a book out of. It is important that whatever your method of writing your vision is that you do write it down! God made that very clear! The reason is that when you actually see something on paper it literally seems more official. Your brain actually sees it and thinks, “Well I guess it is for real!” That is wild but when you see the vision, you believe it and it encourages you and you run with it! When others see it they believe it and they run with it too! Have you ever seen what happens when people get stirred up and united in one cause? It is incredible! The tower of Babel is a great example. God had to literally move them and separate them all over the earth because He said “Because you have one mind, nothing will be withheld from you!” That is amazing! Nothing!! So if you are able to get your team, your youth and your church behind you then nothing will be withheld from you either! Getting someone excited about what God gave you, getting them involved in it makes them much more a part of what is going on in your group. Practice casting your vision. What I mean is practice sharing your vision with somebody. Ask them if what they heard excites them. Ask them what you could do better. If you become good at being a vision caster your group will get behind you and nothing will be impossible! The key is that you have to believe it yourself! If you are convinced and believe what you are saying then there is a much better chance that they will be too! If your vision is presented right you will have people follow.
Your plan is how you intend to carry out the vision. That is the actual nuts and bolts of how things work. What you intend to do step by step. Sometimes God will give you the next year or two or five in great detail but mostly for me I get this week! So I plan this week out to the best of my ability! Then when He gives me more, I plan more. If you were about to take a trip from Orlando to New York you would not just say, “Ok so I am going to get in my car and drive North.” No you would say I am going to take I-4 to 95 then up to wherever, you know what I am saying. You will make a detailed plan to get you from point A to point B! It is the same thing for youth. If part of your vision is to see your youth to grow up spiritually, your plan will probably include some kind of discipleship or accountability group in your group. Understand? You will say, “To help the youth to grow up we will meet every Tues night for 8 weeks and teach how to study the Bible, show them how to pray and worship God. That is making a plan to see the vision fulfilled. The planning and vision is all done on your face. I have gotten more vision and plans in prayer than any other way! Not to say that I have not taken a few ideas from other youth pastors before. But it all comes down to asking God what He wants for your city, your church and your group!
Going to have a great week!! Let's do this!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Join us LIVE at Victory Church Tonight!! 6-8 PM


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Apopka!!!! THRIVE YOUTH TONIGHT 6:57 PM!! Don't miss it!!!
Apopka High!! Don't miss THRIVE Tonight!!! 6:57 PM 509 S. Park Ave. Great music, whacked games and Jesus!! THRIVE ROCKS!!!
Apopka High! Don't miss THRIVE Tonight 6:57 PM for Awesome music, games and Jesus!! THRIVE ROCKS!!
Apopka High School!! Don't miss THRIVE Tonight!!! Live Music! Games!! 6:57 @ 509 S. Park Ave in APK!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Apopka!!! Anyone in the Apopka Area! The Apopka FCA is doing a fundraiser at Chili's by the Home Depot in Apopka tonight!!! Proceeds from every meal go to FCA!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Don't forget Victory Church Live today 10 am & 6 pm! http://ping.fm/nfgsJ

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Anniversary to me!
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