Friday, September 4, 2009

Youth From Ground Zero: the need 2

The youth in the world have reached an all time moral low! Less and less of them have any moral input into their lives. Very few of them have any adult influence or supervision in their lives. They are left alone making the most important decisions in their lives! They need you now more than ever! With teenage suicides, teenage pregnancy, teenage law infractions, teenage delinquency, and teenage Godlessness at an all time high, you could truly be all that is standing between them and hell! In my city the local high school had over 4000 students. Less than 400 attend church on a regular basis! That is less than 10%! Sir Edmund Burke said that All it takes for Evil to prevail in this world is for good men to do nothing.! It is time for us to do something! It is time for us to love these young men and women into the kingdom!
It is all about the youth! They are the reason you are here and they are what it is all about! The absolute first thing you need to have is a heart for young men and women. They are the future of the world and yet they are more ignored, misunderstood, neglected, abused and left alone then any other generation. In my youth ministry right now I have over 80% who come from a broken home in some way shape or form! It is sad and the youth of today really need love and discipleship!
Do not use this as a stepping stone to become a Pastor. Your youth need consistency; they need someone there for them. If Pastoring is what you want then go and work and be a help for a Pastor. Teens can see right through people who are just doing it for “experience”. Do not just “try” youth work! You either have a passion for youth or you don’t, they are not your guinea pigs. After 16 yrs of working with youth I have had many people coming to me and saying they want to be a Pastor or they want to be an evangelist or a teacher or whatever. They want me to give them a position with the youth to see how it is. I am sorry but that just won’t work with me. These future rulers and leaders of the world deserve more respect. I will only put people in a position if I know they have a heart for the youth! Rules without relationship = rebellion. People do not care about how much you know until they know how much you care. I have seen too many people in a place of authority abuse it because they did not really care about the people under them.

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